Subedi elected Chair of Press Chautari Nepal’s Public Service Broadcasting Nepal Chapter
Kathmandu: Benju Subedi has been elected as the chairperson of the Press Chautari Nepal’s Public Service Broadcasting Nepal Chapter.
The first convention of the Press Chautari Nepal’s Public Service Broadcasting Nepal Chapter held today elected a 17-member new working committee under the chairmanship of Benju Subedi.
Ananta Chalise and Durga Adhikari have been elected as the vice-chairpersons of the committee, while Sushil Adhikari has been elected as the secretary, Kaushal Ghimire and Kushal Aryal as the joint-secretaries, and Basanta Bhusal as the treasurer.
Tara Khatiwada, Samjhana Poudel, Anil Humagain, Suman Kumar Shrestha, Jyoti Kafle and Situ Manandhar have been selected as members.
Similarly, Ram Babu Adhikari, Deepak Samir, and Narendra Bista have been selected as the central representatives from the chapter, while Arjun Sapkota, Manjil Ghimire, Parmananda Raya, and Mahesh Niraula have been selected as the Pratishthan Province representatives from the chapter.
Addressing the inaugural ceremony of the convention today, Press Chautari Nepal Chairman Ganesh Basnet said that only public service broadcasting can fulfill the responsibility of disseminating fact-based and balanced information and news.
Chairman Basnet said that there is an increasing trend of spreading false and misleading information in the field of journalism and urged media personnel to prove themselves capable in their role of keeping citizens well-informed through the dissemination of factual information.
At the program, Khagendra Khatri, Acting Chief Administrative Officer of Public Service Broadcasting Nepal, emphasized that organizations should work together for the benefit of working journalists.
Similarly, Chintamani Baral, acting deputy general manager of public service broadcasting, Nepal Television, expressed the view that the Press Chautari Nepal should strengthen its role to make the journalism and broadcasting world more effective.
Pramod Kumar Singh, founding secretary of the Press Chautari Nepal, said that after a long period of homework, the unification of the Press Chautari’s Nepal Television and Radio Nepal chapters and moving forward with a common objective is a positive and historic step.
He expressed confidence that the organization will work for the rights and interests of working journalists and their career development.
Public Service Broadcasting Nepal Board of Directors member Phulman Bal, Press Chautari Nepal central member Bhoj Bahadur Bishwakarma, Federation of Nepali Journalists Nepal Television President Surendra Poudel, Province In-charge Mohan Bastola, Pratishthan Province President Saroj Dhungel, Federation of Nepali Journalists’ Radio Nepal Chapter Vice President Chanda Bista, and others delivered their speeches at the program.